Gyaru on a Budget – everything£5.com


Who doesn’t? If you can get something cheaper, it’s a win situation for you – especially when it comes to looks that add up if you stay true to your favourite brands. So how can you cut some of the corners and not have to compromise over the style or design? Does cheap really have to LOOK cheap?

Generally speaking, no, it doesn’t. With the right research and leg-work, you can source most fashion cheaper – and that doesn’t necessarily mean poorer quality. However, it’s something to keep in mind – cheaper fashion means cheap production costs which CAN affect the quality. CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED WITH A GLITTER WARNING-STICK.

Once such website that suffers the dreaded Hit or Miss label is http://www.everything5pounds.com/. I’ve ordered shoes from this website, and one pair destroyed themselves after walking in them for 3 weeks, and the other pair are one of the sturdiest pairs I think I’ve ever bought. And they go with everything. And all for just a fiver! BARGAIN!!! So I can imagine this same Hit or Miss logic applies to the clothes. With that in mind, here’s my pick of the latest stuff from the site. If you buy anything, let me know and we can get reviewing en-masse! GYARU POWER!!!

Clothing to make you less naked


Baby Doll Tunic (Both Colours): http://www.everything5pounds.com/baby-doll-tunic-p-34927.html?ii=13859

This dress will be perfect for layering and modifying, also great for Cult Party Kei style.


Flared Skirt (both colours): http://www.everything5pounds.com/embossed-flared-skirt-p-36434.html?ii=17505

Nice simple skirt in pastel colours, easy to layer and match with your outfit.


Large Floral Tunic (both colours): http://www.everything5pounds.com/large-floral-tunic-p-31770.html?ii=6728

I could see this with a thick white belt around the middle and layered with a base skirt.


Stud Trousers: http://www.everything5pounds.com/diamante-stud-embellished-trousers-p-39313.html?ii=25543

I can’t get over how gorgeous the mint green trousers are. And they’re studded. Lush.


Unicorn Jumper: http://www.everything5pounds.com/mettallic-unicorn-print-sweater-p-40530.html

Pop Icon Dress: http://www.everything5pounds.com/embellished-lace-collar-icon-tunic-p-35106.html?ii=14511

What’s not to love about unicorns? Especially bling unicorns?? Also, Blue Lady Gaga dress. I think it’s nice. I think.


Pink Frill Bolero: http://www.everything5pounds.com/twist-trim-bolero-p-35442.html?ii=15414

Crochet Crop Top: http://www.everything5pounds.com/open-crochet-crop-p-30366.html?ii=5593

I can’t wait to a) have the abs to wear the crochet top and b)wear the crochet top in summer. The bolero can be used across the spectrum – Lolita, Gyaru, Cult Party Kei – you name it.


Cross Jumper: http://www.everything5pounds.com/sequin-cross-pullover-p-38130.html

Halter-neck Dress: http://www.everything5pounds.com/ruffle-halterneck-scarf-print-dress-p-35828.html?ii=16590

Another perfect dress for the summer – great for Hime-Gyarus out there. And nothing says Cult Party like a cross jumper.



MY FAVOURITE PART EVER. SHOES, GIVE ME ALL THE SHOES!!! No seriously, I need all of these shoes. Little Known Tip: When buying cheap shoes, avoid wedge boots. The wedges are glued on very simply, and the wedge part itself won’t be made of anything solid, meaning once the wedge inevitably comes away from the shoe itself, a cobbler (old-school word for a shoe-mender) won’t be able to nail it in and fix it. Mourn the death of the boots.

Two gorgeous pink shoes, I’m loving the bling of the glitter pair.
I’m not a huge fan of the bright pink palattes, but I know many gyarus that are, and add that little chain detail and you’ve got some awesome ankle boots. And those flame wedges – nothing more really needs to be said. VROOOOM.
I thought I’d pick a brown pair with an edge – feathers! Because why not.
Some sensible shoes for when you’re feeling sensible. So for me, never. Cute pink though.
Futuristic Cyber-punk Gyaru – HERE WE COME! Take me to your fashion leader…
I am blown away by these. Blown. Away. Like a carrier bag on the wind. I’m gone.
A classic Gyaru style strappy sandal all for a fiver. Need to order these and will review.
I love these and they’re perfect for the UK’s inevitable wet weather in April. Who said you had to look dowdy battling downpours?
My Rokku-Gyaru sense is tingling… CAN IT BE? Skull motif heels? BEAT ME DOWN WITH MY EYELASHES AND CALL ME BETTY!!!




Twist Lock Clutch (both colours): http://www.everything5pounds.com/textured-twist-lock-p-40121.html?ii=30081

A very cute clutch, easy to DIY and make extra-cute. Good backup if you’re expensive clutch ever gives way.


Top Belt: http://www.everything5pounds.com/sides-buckle-chains-belt-p-6935.html?ii=252

Middle Belt: http://www.everything5pounds.com/perforated-trim-faux-croc-skin-belt-p-5879.html?ii=201

Bottom Belt: http://www.everything5pounds.com/studs-disc-embellished-faux-leather-belt-p-5881.html?ii=202

Waist belts are an absolute must-have, instantly creates shape and flatters most outfits.


Pink Fleece CUTE!: http://www.everything5pounds.com/fleeced-scarf-mitten-p-23011.html?ii=2599

Pink Fluffy Headband: http://www.everything5pounds.com/faux-headband-p-37198.html?ii=18743

We’re still in the middle of winter, everyone, protect your bonce and keep warm!


Butterfly Bag: http://www.everything5pounds.com/woven-butterfly-embellished-shoulder-p-40472.html?ii=32844

Stunning, stunning bag!! I’ll be snapping this one up 😀


I’ll be doing a haul of everything£5 hopefully in the next couple of months, so I can give you a run-down of quality and wear. Have any of you guys bought any bits from them before? How were they? Would you recommend buying from them? Would love to hear from you!!


Instagram: http://instagram.com/spookyruthy

Twitter: http://twitter.com/spookyruthy


Sailor Moon Painted Custom Shoes – Work In Progress

My first attempt at painting shoes…

So I’ve been working on a pair of custom Sailor Moon shoes on and of for a couple of months, and thought I’d post my work-in-progress! Still a long way off, and I’m not sure when I’m going to get the chance to finish them, but my feet will instantly power up once they’re done.

Actually, I forgot. These shoes are a size 4. DAMN MY SIZE 5 HUMAN PAWS!


The first shoe as you can see is of Sailor Moon and the Inner Senshi, with Luna and her cutesplosion kitty family. Plan is for the other shoe to have Tuxedo Kamen, the Outer Senshi and the talismans (if I can get them to fit).


Also, if this post look spazzy, I’ll fix it when I’m on a proper computer with a screen and keyboard and dancing hula girl USB toy. I’m trying out the WordPress app on my iPhone. COME ON MOBILE TECHNOLOGY!!


Let me know what you guys think! I’ll post an update when they’re all done, don’t know exactly what I’ll do with them as they’re not my size, but I’m sure someone would like them – maybe a giveaway? HAPPY THURSDAY EVERYONE!!


2015 UK Conventions and Events – ALL IN ONE PLACE! and Love Live School Idol Project

Your Year Planner for UK Events that YOU REALLY MUST GO TO!

Photo 05-01-2015 13 00 56

So now that the New Year’s madness has past us, and we’re very nearly into the second week of January, it’s time to get ORGANISED! I always find at this time of year previously I’ve been frustrated because I can’t find out the dates and locations of the anime/manga events and conventions in one place so I can write them all down in my own diary. So to take out that frustration for myself, and anyone else that may also have early convention anxiety, I’ve made a printable planner for everyone with the major convention dates and locations all written on! In one place! A reference guide!

creepy happy

And that makes me creepy levels of happy. OCD organisation glee.

One little hiccup I’m encountering is that at this point I can’t find any of the smaller events that may be going on through the year – specifically Japanese Fashion meet-ups, so if you’re running an event, let me know so I can update the planner and more people can get to it! And then we can MAKE MORE CUTE! You know it makes sense. Plus it’s better for the smaller fashion events to have more people because then more events get organised, which means more opportunities to SQUEE and drink coffee and wear awesome dresses. Which is really just a win-win for everyone. SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?


Just click on the image, and you should be taken to my Photobucket, where you can download it – It’s A4, so don’t worry about re-sizing, I sorted that all out beforehand. TIME-SAVING JIGGLE.

OK, so events run-down of each, what’s there, what to expect, can you dress as a llama, do they sell crack*, all of the important things you need to know:

DIGI-CON: Up-and-coming convention with LOADS of guests, lots of cosplay and comic artists, cosplay competitions all throughout the weekend. A bit last minute, I know, tickets are £15 which is reasonable for a 2-day event, but at least you’ll get an event in January, which isn’t the norm.

MIDLANDS COMIC-CON: The Midlands location for the Comic-Con which began in London, runs for a single day. Cosplay and masquerade, as well as some big-name dealers, so you can get your dose of cute and fashion. Buy in advance for a priority ticket and guarantee your early entry and no queueing for £12, or risk it for a biscuit and buy on-the-door tickets for £8. Risk huge queues and crying.

ANIMANGA POP: £10.56 a ticket as all the early bird tickets have been snapped up. Scarlett Young will be performing, so prepare for some cute dancing. That means you’ll need to get your dancing shoes on. Yes you. Dancing shoes. On. Now.

MAJIKKON: LOLITA-LOUNGE. Yep, already sold. Cakes, teas, bring and buy, workshops, nail art. Yep, definitely sold. There’s other stuff too, but Lolita Lounge. £10 for the day ticket – SEE YOU THERE.

MINAMI-CON: I’m afraid if you don’t have a ticket now, then you’ll have to level-up with your patience and hit the waiting list. It’s currently got 65 people on that list, so buckle down and pray. Sorry folks.

NFCC (Newcastle Film and Comic Con): Looks like the Newcastle reboot of the London Film and Comic Con, so expect similar. Early bird day ticket is £12, weekend early bird is £20, guarantees your early entry and shorter (if any) queues. Cosplay, lots of big-name guests, and photo shoot sessions to get a good shot of your costume or outfit.

YORKSHIRE COSPLAY CON: As the name says on the tin – this is for you cosplay lovers out there. Early bird adult ticket is a steal at £7 for the day.

AME-CHIBI: Ame-Chibi is a new version of Ame-Con, which used to run in the summer. This Spring-time reboot promises to be much of the same, but in a smaller venue. So dancing, bring and buys, cosplay, anime, manga, games, fashion meet-ups, cake, silliness, fun, and maybe booze. It’s £47.50 not including your accommodation, so pricier than the rest, but there’s a reason it’s so popular. GET IN QUICK OR RISK THE WAITING LIST OF DOOM!

PLAY-CON: Not a well known one, but if you love retro games and cosplay, then head up to Blackpool! Adult SUPERPASS is £30 for the three days, and all the games you can get. And then out on the town to ride rollercoasters until you puke. Ah, bliss.

LONDON COMIC-CON: The Grand-Daddy of the events, formerly the London Expo, you can’t miss this event. Cosplay galore, fashion meet-ups, and only a stone’s throw away from Central London, plus all the shopping you could want. £45 for the whole weekend – buy early and save yourself some pennies that can be spent on plushie llamas.

MANCHESTER COMIC-CON: A two-day sibling of the London and Midlands variety, expect similar. Weekend ticket is £22 if you book early.

SUNNY-CON: £30 for your weekend pass, what’s not to love about a convention by the sea?! Cosplay and fashion meet-ups, the rest is still to be confirmed.

LFCC (London Film and Comic Con): This long-running event boasts some HUGE names in Sci-Fi and film – but if that’s not your cup of tea, it has a massive selection of dealers to go shopping instead. Expect to see Tofu Cute and Tokyo Toys there. With a lovely update from my friend Emma, ticket price for all 3 days is £40.

HYPER JAPAN: Ticket prices to be confirmed, but you absolutely CANNOT miss this event! Idols, singers and groups from Japan perform daily here, fashion shows, workshops, food, shopping, kimono, lolita, gyaru and so much more. If you pick only one event to do this year – do this one. I BET THAT ON MY FINEST SPORK!

DOKI-DOKI FESTIVAL: Early bird ticket is £12, guarantees early entry, or standard ticket (also in advance… not confusing at all) for £10. I assume the early birds get let in early, and the standards have to languish outside, or sleep in for an extra half an hour. I know what I’d choose. DON’T BE A FOOL. Guests and events to be confirmed, but I should imagine cosplay, shopping, dealers, the usual.


Aaaaand finally… First (and so far best) game of the year

Love Live School Idol Project

Photo 04-01-2015 14 28 54

Twitter Beauties Sapphy-Sei and Lio suggested this game to me. Two words.


Actually, three words.


It’s available for iPhone, and it’s free. You play the organiser of a School Idol Club, sorting out their practices and live shows. The gameplay is effectively a dancing beat-matching game for your fingers, which doesn’t sound particularly exciting until you hear how ridiculously catchy the music is. I don’t do New Year’s resolutions normally, but I will make this one: I WILL COVER THESE SONGS ON YOUTUBE.

So yes, download it. It will be the best thing you did in January. Unless of course you cure poverty, AIDS, cancer or save orphans from a fire during January. In which case, the planet says “Ta very much”. And I’ll give you a cookie.


*lolita crack, like plushie llamas, cake and glitter


Instagram: http://instagram.com/spookyruthy

Twitter: http://twitter.com/spookyruthy


Cult Party Kei Winter Inspiration

One of the newest Japanese styles to me, along with Shironuri, that I’m completely and utterly head-over-heels in love with is Cult Party Kei. Not too dissimilar from the English style that was in fashion a few years back, ‘Shabby Chic’, Cult Party Kei is all about the layering! Put some lace on that and WHAM-BAM, you have a Cult Party influence. The layering is not just an aesthetic, in this chilly season, it’s very practical and will keep you snug and toasty even if Jack Frost is successfully punching everyone in the face. Common motifs are religious iconography, crosses in particular – RED crosses specially. You bangin’ if you have a red cross.

Cult Party Kei is really a floaty, mysterious, sweet way of dressing. I love it because you can throw a bit of goth into it and you still look very feminine rather than RARRRGH LOOK AT MY SKULLS. There’s also a slap-dash of Fairy Kei in there, and Shironuri makeup looks INCREDIBLE in CPK. It’s simple to start – white or cream base and then build, build, build! The idea is to create a whimsical image, like a fairytale.

So here’s a collection of my all-time favourite CPK inspiration specifically for winter – gotta bundle it up, BABY IT’S COOOOOOOLD OUTSIDE!

cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration

cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration
cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration

cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration

cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration

cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration

cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration

cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration

cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration

cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration

cult, party, kei, fashion, style, japanese, street, japan, winter, layers, dolly, shironuri, shiro, white, cute, pink, tutorial, lookbook, inspiration


And finally, finish that look off with some CPK makeup. Pink under the cheeks, and delicate eye makeup complete your look. The tutorial by The Chokelate is perfect to get you started!

Let’s see your CPK co-ords for this winter, my fluffballs of great justice and fashion! Also, get those questions in and get chatting fashion!!

Credits: Tokyo Fashion


Instagram: http://instagram.com/spookyruthy

Twitter: http://twitter.com/spookyruthy


Christmas Tree Inspiration!

Christmas Tree Inspiration!


It’s the beginning of December and that means CHRISTMAS TREES!! If you’re anything like me, you will have spent the past month obsessing over the theme of this Christmas, making mood boards, generally squee-ing whenever anyone mentions Christmas (or you remember Christmas is coming scaring everyone around you), and/or blurting out Christmas items you see in shop windows like you have seasonal festive Tourettes (again, scaring everyone around you). So if you’re stuck or you’re like me, you just like looking at pictures of Christmas trees and losing half your working day, then I’ve got a few different themes to help you get started! #kawaiichristmas

xmas, christmas, tree, inspiration, kawaii, pink, blue, december, yule, yuletide, white, baubles, lights, kawaiichristmas, spookyruthy, london, uk

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Kawaii pink tree inspiration

The pink tree has quite a following now, which means you can pick up the pink bases quite cheaply from a lot of different retailers, and is PERFECT for decorating with your favourite kawaii items! Kawaii Le Cuirot of staysuperkawaii.blogspot.co.uk has done an amaaaazing job on her kawaii tree: http://staysuperkawaii.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/hello-kitty-christmas-cute-decorations.html

xmas, christmas, tree, inspiration, kawaii, pink, blue, december, yule, yuletide, white, baubles, lights, kawaiichristmas, spookyruthy, london, uk

As you can see, there is a no-holds-barred element to pink trees – got a cute plushie? PUT THAT ON! Printout of a cupcake? GET ON MAH TREE! Earrings you don’t wear anymore? PURPOSE FOUND. Luckily this means that it shouldn’t cost you loads of money to really go OTT with the tree decorating, as half the stuff you’ll already own! It’s just a case of balancing it all out with some well-placed baubles.

Small pink tree base (£7): http://www.diy.com/departments/3ft-pink-christmas-tree/766764_BQ.prd

Small white tree base (£5.99) : http://www.homebase.co.uk/en/homebaseuk/christmas-shop/artificial-christmas-trees/3ft-white-geneva-christmas-tree-081241 

Large white tree base (£19.99) : http://www.homebase.co.uk/en/homebaseuk/christmas-shop/artificial-christmas-trees/5ft-white-shimmer-christmas-tree-081436

Selection of cute string lights!! : https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/SHARPEandLIGHTs


Blue tree inspiration! (I’m not Frozen obsessed at all…)

Blue based Christmas trees are very hard to come by, and if you do find them, they’re pain-inducingly expensive, so your best bet is to go for a snow-effect tree, or a white tree – that way you’ll make sure your blue decorations really stand out. I’ll be uploading my tutorial on getting a snow-effect on your tree for £3 rather than paying through the roof for a pre-made one – so watch this space, my Christmas lovers!

xmas, christmas, tree, inspiration, kawaii, pink, blue, december, yule, yuletide, white, baubles, lights, kawaiichristmas, spookyruthy, london, uk

Common motifs for the blue effect (or the LET IT GOOOOO effect as I like to call it… once again, not Frozen obsessed) are snowflakes, pinecones, snow generally, and if the last picture is to be believed, snowmen dressed as babies, which I think is a must-have. Stock up on white ribbon, and some standard blue and silver baubles and your base is ready to go – you can always customise them later (tutorial to come)!

Blue Decoration Collection from Wilko (UK): http://www.wilko.com/odyssey-decoration-collection/icat/odyssey-dec-collection#esp_pg=1 

Snow Effect Christmas Tree (£59.99): http://www.therange.co.uk/2.1m-slim-lapland-flocked-spruce-christmas-tree-7ft/snow-trees/the-range/fcp-product/58986


Nice and red and ‘sort of’ traditional trees

I say ‘sort of’ because I’m not really hugely into traditional style trees myself, but these are probably as close as I’ll ever get to a traditional tree, and it’s best to out up some inspiration for red trees as so many of you love it 🙂 As with the blue trees, red artificial trees are rare, so the best bases to go for are the white base, or the normal green base (with or without the snow effect, up to you). Red is a very strong colour, so balance it out with some well-placed white decorations. Or go completely loony and go Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed like the bottom-left tree!
xmas, christmas, tree, inspiration, kawaii, pink, blue, december, yule, yuletide, white, baubles, lights, kawaiichristmas, spookyruthy, london, uk

6ft Green Artifical Tree from Wilko (UK) (£20): http://www.wilko.com/invt/0322331

Red Decoration Collection from Wilko (UK): http://www.wilko.com/pixie-decoration-collection/icat/pixie-dec-collection#esp_pg=1

Red Tree Topper from Homebase: http://www.homebase.co.uk/en/homebaseuk/christmas-shop/christmas-tree-decorations/glittered-red-star-tree-topper-275732


Aaand, some random inspiration!

xmas, christmas, tree, inspiration, kawaii, pink, blue, december, yule, yuletide, white, baubles, lights, kawaiichristmas, spookyruthy, london, uk


xmas, christmas, tree, inspiration, kawaii, pink, blue, december, yule, yuletide, white, baubles, lights, kawaiichristmas, spookyruthy, london, uk

Nyan-cat tree, a stroke of absolute genius. I salute you, clever meme-loving Christmas friend.

xmas, christmas, tree, inspiration, kawaii, pink, blue, december, yule, yuletide, white, baubles, lights, kawaiichristmas, spookyruthy, london, uk

And obligatory cat-picture, of course. If I was a fuzzy feline, I too would attempt to stage dive the tree. You’re my hero, Cat God of Christmas Rock.

So Christmas-obsessives out there – let me see your trees! ESPECIALLY IF THEY’RE KAWAII!! Spread the Kawaii Christmas luuuurve about and don’t forget to check back for the upcoming tutorials!


Instagram: http://instagram.com/spookyruthy

Twitter: http://twitter.com/spookyruthy


Christmas Lolita Co-ord Outfits!

♥ Christmas Lolita Outfits ♥

Christmas is almost upon us which means we can let down our hair, and get our creative brains on for some exciting Lolita co-ords! Now, I’m a fan of going a bit ‘out there’ with styles and seasons, so here’s some themed lolita outfits that I’ve concocted with some jolly yuletide characters in mind, with some makeup tutorials to help you complete the look! Let me know what you think, and I’d love to see your Christmas themed co-ords too! GET FUNKY AND CREATIVE MY LOLITA WONDER PUFFS!!

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Lolita

RUDOLF, lolita, winter, coord, co, ord, fashion, japanese, kawaii, theme, wig, bag, btssb, angelic, pretty, blouse, dress, jsk, reindeer, antlers, headband, head, band, shoes, red, brown, clips, hair, hearts, socks, ebay, etsy, cute, kawaii, uk, london, winter


Antler headband: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Sister21 Wig: Ebay (off-brand), Heart hair clips: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/PoppyBows Blouse: Angelic Pretty, Socks: Angelic Pretty, Dress: http://www.lightinthebox.com Bag: BTSSB, Shoes: Angelic Pretty Hairbow: BTSSB, Earrings: Angelic Pretty


North Pole Elf Lolita

elf, lolita, winter, coord, co, ord, fashion, japanese, kawaii, theme, wig, bag, btssb, angelic, pretty, blouse, dress, jsk, reindeer, antlers, headband, head, band, shoes, red, brown, clips, hair, hearts, socks, ebay, etsy, cute, kawaii, uk, london, winter, christmas, xmas


Elf ear clips: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Sister21 Headbow: BTSSB, Dress: http://www.solilor.com/ Belt: Ebay (off-brand) Socks: Angelic Pretty, Shoes: http://www.myesoul.com/ Candycane necklace: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/sugarandvicedesigns Candycane bauble earrings: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Pizzelwaddels Wig: Ebay (off-brand)


Christmas Angel Lolita

angel, lolita, winter, coord, co, ord, fashion, japanese, kawaii, theme, wig, bag, btssb, angelic, pretty, blouse, dress, jsk, reindeer, antlers, headband, head, band, shoes, red, brown, clips, hair, hearts, socks, ebay, etsy, cute, kawaii, uk, london, winter, christmas, xmas


Wig: Geisha wigs, Blouse: http://www.lightinthebox.com Dress: http://www.lightinthebox.com Shoes: http://www.lightinthebox.com Headdress: BTSSB, Earrings: http://www.lightinthebox.com Bracelet and Ring: http://www.lightinthebox.com Angel wing hair clips: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/kittywooddesigns Wings: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/ShirleyTemplesTutus Tights: Angelic Pretty


Ice Princess Lolita

ice, princess, lolita, winter, coord, co, ord, fashion, japanese, kawaii, theme, wig, bag, btssb, angelic, pretty, blouse, dress, jsk, reindeer, antlers, headband, head, band, shoes, red, brown, clips, hair, hearts, socks, ebay, etsy, cute, kawaii, uk, london, winter, christmas, xmas


Shoes: Bodyline, Tights: Angelic Pretty, Wig: Ebay (off-brand), Hairbow: Angelic Pretty, Blouse: http://www.lightinthebox.com Snowflake earrings: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Mindielee Snowflake necklace: Ebay (off-brand), JSK: BTSSB, Moon bag: Ebay (off-brand), Snowflake hair clips: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/nemehairbows


Instagram: http://instagram.com/spookyruthy

Twitter: http://twitter.com/spookyruthy


Hyper Japan Christmas Market 2014!



 London was the place to be for the Hyper Japan Christmas Market – just to get our last dose of Japanese culture, food, kawaii and awesomeness before the lunacy of Christmas kicks off! Was so nice to see so many people arrive dressed to the nines – effort is definitely increasing each year you lovely, lovely Japanese fashion lovers out there! Anyone who was there, say hi! And then we can squee over how awesome it was 😀

make up for Friday, make, up, makeup, friday, anime, manga, kawaii, fairy, kei, fashion, japanese, london, olympia, hyper, japan, hyperjapan, japan, style, pink, glitter

My make-up for the Friday of Hyper Japan. I went for a kitty-fairy kei style, with big pad pad paws to add, which I used to give passers-by a severe biff attack on the nose and then a RUN AWAAAAAY for added measure. Although the pink corset was a bit restricting and hot after a while. SIGHTS WERE SEEN NONETHELESS. There was a video of the aforementioned biffing, except on an unsuspecting snowflake, so when I work out how to pop it onto Youtube, I’ll share it 🙂 And so! Onto the event!!


sailor moon at dreamy bows, sailor, moon, dreamy, bows, review, anime, manga, kawaii, hyper, japan, hyper japan, japanese, fashion, lolita, gyaru, shironuri, uk, united, kingdom, london, olympia, blog, official, merchandise, compact, cosmic, crystal, sailor moon, sailormoon

dreamy bows at hyper japan, hyper, japan, london, uk, united, kingdom, anime, manga, kawaii, fashion. fairy, kei, lolita, gothic, cult, party, stall, shop, england, btssb, angelic, pretty, dreamy, bows, jewelry, necklaces, gypsy, pyksy

Dreamy Bows (http://www.dreamybows.com/) had their gorgeous pretty-in-pink stall, and were selling OFFICIAL SAILOR MOON MERCHANDISE!! Just look at those compacts… In fact, just look at everything. MOON PRISM POWER, MAKE UP~~~~! That reminds me, need to watch Act.10 of Sailor Moon Crystal. And if you’ve seen it, do a dance 😀 The performers at Gypsy Pyksy (http://www.gypsypyksy.com/) enjoying a bit of pink power!


yatai stalls at hyper japan, hyper, japan, yatai, japanese, food, london, olympia, kensington, england, united, kingdom, uk, united kingdom, oishii, takoyaki, yakisoba, noodles, japan, festival, winter, 2014

After being in Japan and hanging out at the Japanese Yatai stalls, coming to Hyper Japan and seeing the food stalls here was like being back again, the smells, the layouts, the energy and excitement, all a very authentic experience at Hyper Japan. As a Vegetarian, your food choices at these typical yatai stalls are very limited, but you can pick up Vegetable Yakisoba at most stalls, which are so tasty you’ll go back for a second helping. For you meaty-eaters out there, you can’t go wrong with takoyaki (octopus balls). They’re not literally the balls of an octopus, because octopuses don’t have testicles to start off with, and I know Japanese food gets a bad rap for being weird, but come on, it’s not ‘eat-the-balls-of-animals’ weird.


white kimono at hyper japan, hyper, japan, london, kimono, japanese, haori, geta, tabi, yukata, obi

There was an incredible stall near the centre on the bottom level which sold beautiful kimonos, haoris, yukata, geta and tabi socks – if anyone can remember the name of the stall, let me know and I’ll link them on the blog. The green furisode kimono I had my eye on was 998 EUROS!! Bargain by first-hand kimono standards, and lime green isn’t right for this time of year anyway, but still… OH GOD THOSE KIMONOS O.O


cute stall at hyper japan, hyper, japan, london, kawaii, uk, united, kingdom, event, olympia, 2014, convention, cute, toys, rikkakuma, gifts, presents, christmas, market

Just all of the cute… I just cannot. CANNOT. Rikkakuma heads in the back with the Totoro, I just want to smoosh my face into it and melt into a river of cute. Yes, a fitting end.


card captor sakura cosplayer at hyper japan, hyper, japan, anime, manga, event, winter, christmas, market, 2014, december, dec, card, captor, sakura, cosplayer, cosplay, uk, london, united, kingdom, clow, card, kero, ccs, cardcaptors, japanese

What an amazing and just down-right fabulous Card Captor Sakura cosplayer. Just all of the kawaii, and so on point. Pose is perfect! And the hair, just all of it. Yes, all of it. OMOCHIKAERI~~~~~


cute fairy kei models at hyper japan, hyper, japan, london, event, convention, winter, christmas, market, december, dec, 2014, kawaii, fairy, kei, sweet, lolita, pastel, japanese, street, fashion, show, model

fashion at hyper japan, hyper, japan, anime, manga, london, uk, england, united, kingdom, event, december, dec, 2014, winter, christmas, market, cute, kawaii, fairy, kei, dolly, visual, rococo, lolita, sweet, pastel, fashion, japanese, street

Just some of the kawaii ladies at the event, lots of Fairy Kei and Lolita. I especially love the Rococo Hime look in the centre, so refined, and just look at that bag… I wish I had asked where it was from! If anyone knows please let me know! Also, if you’re one of these fine lovelies, get in touch and I’ll link your sites/blogs on here! Also… GIANT HELLO KITTY UWAAAAAA~~~~~ Yes, just had a bit of a kawaii vom. Mmmmm sparkly regurgitation. (Also, big versions of the above images are available on my Twitter – https://twitter.com/spookyruthy or just drop me an email and I’ll send them to you)


shironuri makeup at hyper japan on sunday, hyper, japan, london, uk, england, united, kingdom, shironuri, white, painted, minori, vintage, mori, japanese, street, fashion, december, sunday, dec, 2014, christmas, winter, market, convention, olympia, eyelashes, kei

And finally, my Shironuri makeup for the Fashion Show on Sunday. Wig and Headpiece by Ghoulia’s Peculiars (https://www.facebook.com/ghouliaspeculiars) SHE A TALENTED LADY, YOU GO THERE AND HAVE A LADY FAP OVER THE WIGS AND ALL THE PRETTIES. Not literally. Ew. FOR SHAME.

So all in all, Hyper Japan Christmas Market 2014, a big big success. It gets bigger every year and I can’t wait for the next one in July (date to be confirmed)! I WANT MY YATAI FOOD DAMMIT!! And if I don’t get my kawaii dose, I’ll have to do something drastic, like up my caffeine intake.


Instagram: http://instagram.com/spookyruthy

Twitter: http://twitter.com/spookyruthy